GRAY HAT PYTHON をmacで (P.11) ― 2010/07/08 21:00
スクリプト charter1-unions.pyを作成して
from ctypes import *
class barley_amount(Union):
_fields_ = [
("barley_long", c_long),
("barley_int", c_int),
("barley_char",c_char * 8),]
value = raw_input("Enter the amount of barley to put into the beer vat:")
my_barley = barley_amount(int(value))
print "Barley amount as a long: %ld" % my_barley.barley_long
print "Barley amount as a int: %d" % my_barley.barley_int
print "Barley amount as a char: %s" % my_barley.barley_char
Python_work butcher$ python
Enter the amount of barley to put into the beer vat:66
Barley amount as a long: 66
Barley amount as a int: 66
Barley amount as a char: B
スクリプト charter1-unions.pyを作成して
from ctypes import *
class barley_amount(Union):
_fields_ = [
("barley_long", c_long),
("barley_int", c_int),
("barley_char",c_char * 8),]
value = raw_input("Enter the amount of barley to put into the beer vat:")
my_barley = barley_amount(int(value))
print "Barley amount as a long: %ld" % my_barley.barley_long
print "Barley amount as a int: %d" % my_barley.barley_int
print "Barley amount as a char: %s" % my_barley.barley_char
Python_work butcher$ python
Enter the amount of barley to put into the beer vat:66
Barley amount as a long: 66
Barley amount as a int: 66
Barley amount as a char: B